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Major Elements
program schedule
The full schedule for the 2024 session can be found at
–2024 Schedule (all days)
Each day’s schedule can be found by clicking on any day below:
Saturday, June 8th
Sunday, June 9th
Monday, June 10th
Tuesday, June 11th
Wednesday, June 12th
Thursday, June 13th
Friday, June 14th
citizenship manual
The 2024 Citizenship Manual can be found by clicking here!
cafeteria menu
The cafeteria menu can be found – here. For those with special dietary needs, contact Chris Wojtysiak by – clicking here.
campus map
To view an interactive map of Eastern Illinois University – click here. For ease of use on some devices, a non-interactive map is available – here.
Photo Journal
At some point throughout the week, you’ll see someone taking pictures of various events. That’s Gabe Grant, the staff photographer. He keeps a visual record of what happens during the session. Sometimes he’s at scheduled events, sometimes it’s some people tossing a frisbee on the quad. At various times throughout the week, the Experience page will be updated in the rolling feed below with a few highlight pictures, however the entire repository can be viewed – here.
Recreation & Intramurals
The recreation and intramural information can be found by clicking here.
Health Services
Boys State staff will help students access any necessary medical care at the Sarah Bush Lincoln Charleston walk-in clinic or the Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital ER. More information may be found by – clicking here.
Boys State Store
The Boys State Store has many items available during meal times to help remember your time spent in Charleston. The list of items available can be found by clicking here.
Samsung Scholarship
Each Boys State and Girls State selects one delegate as a national finalist, who is awarded a $1,250 scholarship. Each state winner is submitted for judging as part of the national competition for a $10,000 scholarship. Scholarships are made possible by an endowment established by the Samsung Corporation in 1996. Click here for the application.
Essay Contest
The Hayes Kennedy Scholarship is a $2,000 award given annually to the citizen who presents the best original essay on a selected topic related to the Constitution of the United States or the Illinois Constitution. All contestants are required to submit their essay electronically. They can be worked on before the session, but that is not required. Click here for more information.
Speech Contest
The Commander’s Scholarship is a $2,000 scholarship awarded annually to the citizen who prepared the best original four to six-minute oration on a selected topic about Abraham Lincoln. The final decision will be based on the customary oratorical contest points of content, organization, and delivery. Click here for more information.
Details of the Program
Hover or tap on the boxes to learn more

Students are expected to arrive from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM on Saturday, June 7, 2025. Check-in will take place in Taylor Hall, located at 2121 4th Street, Charleston, IL 61920. To request a late check-in, please email our registrar at info@illinoisboysstate.org.
Students attend the final general assembly on Friday morning. The session ends at approximately 11:30 AM and students are free to leave at this time. While parents are welcome to watch the final assembly from the back rows of the Dvorak Concert Hall in Doudna Fine Arts Center, students will need to return to their residence halls following the assembly to collect their belongings. If students arrived by bus they should plan to return by bus, being picked up in the same location as drop off immediately following the final assembly. A free sack lunch is available for the trip home.

After browsing our website if you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us.

Click on the PayPal Donate button below to support our program. To sponsor a full registration fee for one citizen donate $400 on the next screen.